Trick scooter
The trick scooter (kick scooter) is undoubtedly gaining enormous popularity nowadays. While you can only ride a normal scooter, you can do things on a trick scooter that you wouldn’t be able to do on a normal scooter. All that bouncing, spinning and different tricks (spins, jumps, slides) – certainly looks impressive. While it’s just as comfortable to ride as a simple one. In that case, the question arises. Why not buy a stunt bike? The answer is obvious. Nowadays, no matter how you look at it, everyone is moving to a trick scooter.
It’s quite easy to do different tricks on an extreme scooter. Easier than on a BMX or skateboard. And safe enough (if you do it right). Imagine if a kick scooter is much lighter than a bmx. A skateboard has nothing to hold on to. Everything there is based on body coordination in space. In addition, a stunt scooter is one of the safest things you can do. And you can do stunts of varying difficulty in a spectacular way.

Trick scooter and regular scooter
Is there a difference between riding a trick scooter or a normal scooter? There are slight differences, of course. And the trick scooter has many more features. And it’s lighter than a normal scooter, for sure! This is a definite plus for those who do not consider themselves to be a jock. As a rule of thumb, you can learn to ride a scooter, even from scratch. It’s not that difficult. Learning is fun and easy. The trainer finds a common language with the student, and explains all the important points about riding.

Who knows, maybe in the near future a stunt scooter will be included in the Olympic Games? And, what’s more, could you become an Olympic champion by turning an ordinary hobby into your profession? No matter how you look at it, sports and physical activity are good for everyone. That’s why we advise you to choose a trick scooter rather than an ordinary one. And our video tutorials will help you get the hang of this ‘mode of transport’.
Stunt scooter training – when to start?
Trick scooter training can be started as early as the first warm days. It is also possible to continue learning tricks safely in an indoor (paid) skate park in winter. It is important to teach scooter tricks on special grounds. Yes, it is not possible to learn tricks in the yard, like on a skateboard. Because already on the first or at most the second lesson you will be bored on a flat surface. And you will need special slides and ramps for learning tricks. Even if these tricks are for beginners.
What’s good about a trick scooter?

A stunt scooter (even though it’s an extreme sport) is quite safe. Compare yourself – on a skateboard you are not holding the board in any way, there is much less control while you are riding. Snowboarding – you are strapped to a board, in case of something wrong, you can’t push it off. Rollerblading – always on your feet, no matter what, it is impossible to land on a stable surface. Bicycle (bmx) – yes, it’s great, but not everyone can lift a bike, spin it in the air or jump with it. A scooter is light, it’s easy to ride and there’s control while you’re riding (hold the handlebars and control the ride). If something goes wrong, you can jump off it at any time and flip off the handlebars with your hands. What could be safer than that?